
CBC recently aired a story on 4Blind and the HaptiBraille communicator

CBC recently aired a story on 4Blind and the HaptiBraille communicator. It was shot at the CNIB Smartlife Center.

CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) is Canada's leading media company, known for its news and entertainment programs. Established in 1936, it remains one of the country's oldest and most authoritative broadcasting organizations. CBC Canada offers a wide range of programs for diverse audiences, consistently aiming to reflect the diversity of perspectives and experiences within the nation.

In the report 4Blind CEO Fedor Belomoev met with Robert Hampson, a specialist from CNIB Smartlife Center. During the interview Fedor and Robert used HaptiBraille communicator to communicate. Robert shared his impressions of working with the communicator and expressed his opinion on the future of this technology and its potential areas of application.

If you'd like to watch this interview, you can do so by following the link below:
2023-10-02 22:32