Today is a significant date for our company — we are celebrating our 5th anniversary!
Today is a significant date for our company — we are celebrating our 5th anniversary! On this day, as tradition dictates, we share our achievements and accomplishments from the past year, and express our gratitude to those who have been involved — our friends, partners, and investors.
In 2023, we have achieved a lot: we completed the preparation for the market launch of our new device for visually impaired people, the smart charging adapter - USB Note, and we are finalizing the production of the first and second batches of the HaptIBraille communicator. Meanwhile, our team did not cease their work on conducting research for new developments, which we will soon share with you.
We participated in seven exhibitions dedicated to assistive technologies around the world, from America to Austria. A special moment of inspiration was being invited to speak at the United Nations in Vienna, where we shared our vision for the development of 4Blind and the impact we have on the blind and deafblind community.
Among other things, we were featured in major specialized publications such as DBI Review, Assistive Technology Update, CBC and AMI Radio, Opportunity Magazine by National Industries for the Blind.
It became a significant event for us this year, the substantial expansion of our partners. 4Blind has entered into a partnership with the largest organization for assisting visually impaired people in Canada, CNIB, who have already conducted a demo of our communicator within the CNIB SmartLife program. We have also been fortunate to start collaborating with major distributors of assistive technologies, such as LS&S and Florida Vision Technology, which has made our solutions more accessible to people.
And of course, our capabilities wouldn't be as extensive without the support of those partners who have been with us along the way, including YEDI, Технопарк Ингрия, ATS LAB, and MaRS.